Satysfakcja FCI, German Shepherds kennel, German Shepherds


Satysfakcja FCI, German Shepherds kennel, German Shepherds  The German Shepherd breed was created by the German junker, colonel vom Stephanitz, who called it "canis fidelis optimae matris".

  By pure chance, during a sheep exhibition in 1899, colonel Stephanitz saw a dog which looked exactly like the one he would like to breed. The dog originally called Hektor Linksrhein was renamed as Horand von Grafrath (doesn't it sound aristocratic?), and she was listed in the pedigree book as the numer one.

  German Shepherds dogs have been famous for theri intelligence, longevity and modest demands for comfortable living conditions. In a few yeasr, planned breeding allowed the German Shepherds to conquer the World, including Great Britain even though the British were historically very reluctant to see dogs which were not bred in Britain. At that time, optimists argued that Germany could not be a ban nation becouse they breed such hood dogs with such impressive characters. There was no way to be a war. However, the reality, as we know from the history, was different.

  Another fact is that the Germans were not satisfied with the breed and quickly started to selectively breed a new, better dog., "purely Aryan" Shepeherds called "the Hovawart". This dog was registered in 1930. Despite the noble intetion "Hovawart", became the hobbyist dog, while the German Shepherd in just over one hundred years has became the most popular angd the most versatile breed of dog. It's popularity has come grom the unusually high intelligence, courage and confidence in working with people.

  German Shepherds have a non-agressive nature and originally they were the gentle helperts of shepherds with abilities to do albomst anything. Unfrortunetely some people gave tries to arouse a bloodthirsty agression in this breed, which is not in it's nature. Up to this day the German Shepherd keeps the help instinct. You can take it for a trip to a foreest to collect mushrooms and you can be sure that the dog will try to get the dispersed people in to "the pasutre".

  This dog, which has the incarnation of all dogs' advantages, feels berst with a companion. It is better bred in a large pack, and prefers the companionship of another Shepherd.

  This dog also adapts well in small flats, on condition that we spend enought time with it and take if for a long walk everyday.

  This breed of dogs (especially bitches) is recommended by doctors in the program which may help to prevent a heart attack.

  The German Shepherd connot however be the lonely guardian of our yards, particularly if itt is tied on a chain (although many people have a different opinion). Left in solitude an deprived of presence of an owner, it may fall in a deep neurosis and, us unstable humans, it can become agressive anddangerous.

  Dominant in this breed is the feminine gender which perfectly determinates hierarchy of the pack inclufing humans who are sometimes treated as puppies.

  The German Shepherd is a breed demanging care in the young as well as in the old age. This dog is exceptionally close to the owner with whom it establishes close contact an even a short parting is deeply experienced. It is perfect for people who work from home becouse it forces them to take duty walks.

  In the USA a serious by nature quaruped, made a career of the superstar (famous Rintintin) and... a showman. The most famous actor Roy Rogers. Bullet was a star of popular TV shows for many years.W

  The breeding of the German Shepherds tody makes it a science. Evewry blood lne possesses characteristic distinctions and "a perfect dog" can be created after miuxing the "blood" of many animals kept for the breeding purpose. The most famous "fixation" in the history of the breed presented in the dogs bred in the sixties an seventtied' the period of unusual propserity of the German Shepherd's breeding. QUANTO VON WIENERAU, CANTO VON WIENERAU, and MUTZ VON PELZTIERFARM thosa names are present in every pedigree book of the dog. The dogs were called by Germans "auslese", which means - especially beautiful dog.

  Britain which by tradition did not accept foreign breeds and did not accept anything German, was put in a difficult position after the W.W.I. German Shepherds were imported by the chairman of the British Kennel club Allan Cecil Wright, and a respectable kennel owner colonel Baldwin.

  To hide the German origin of the dog, these dogs were called by British "Alsace Shepherd" and survived in Britain an the entire world under this name until 1971.

  Unfortunately for the reputation of the German Shepherd, there has been a lot of cross breeding in Poland and other parts of the world. Their owners claim that they have chosen a dog without pedigree becouse they are not interested in exhibitions, forhetting that accidental crossing of breeds can end in hereditary illnesses such as panccreas failure and personality sidorder


Małgorzata Caprari, "Przesadnik kynologiczny"
Wydawnictwo Klub dla Ciebie 2003.


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